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Delivery Payment Form

Delivery to? Delivery is based on a round trip. Example: If you live 3 hours away one way, your round trip fee is for 6 hours. You are paying for the delivery driver to come to your location and back home.
You understand that we cannot guarantee the temperament of your puppy.
You understand that we require you to take a stool sample to your puppy's first vet visit?
Your puppy will have started their deworming treatments. You understand You may also need to continue their deworming treatments according to your veterinarian plan. Getting a stool sample done will let you know what type of continued deworming is needed if any. Common parasites puppies have are: round worms, hook worms, coccidia and giardia. Do you understand?
You understand that we require you to watch your puppy's water/food intake. ( please do not let you puppy over eat or over drink. This can lead to a serious problems )
Disclaimer: YDP are not the breeders of any of the puppies. Some mixed breed puppies may contain other breeds.
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